Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: On Monday, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day as many classes integrated St. Patrick’s Day related themes into the school day. We celebrated Kindness Week. As part of this students completed seeds of kindness.… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: On Wednesday, we had a St. Patrick’s Day themed Walk & Roll to School Day. On Thursday, we had Bingo Night. It was great to see so many families in attendance for this beloved… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: We celebrated Read Across America week with special book talks in each classroom. We also had special reading related events. On Monday, we had a special visit from Wally, the Red Sox mascot to… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: On Wednesday, we had a special Creative Arts & Sciences program- the Tanglewood Marionettes. Kindergarten through second grade students saw the production “The Dragon King” and third through fifth grade students saw the… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy families, I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing vacation! Highlights from the week before vacation: On Friday, we celebrated Valentine’s Day. Classes did Valentine’s day crafts and activities. Attention Kindergarten Parents/Guardians The date of the all-school meeting… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: On Wednesday, we had the Winter Walk & Roll to School Day. Kudos to Mr. Guzzi for planning this event for our students. Mr. Guzzi hands out stickers to students who have walked… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: On Wednesday, we celebrated Lunar New Year and had a day off from school. On Friday, we had a School Spirit Day as students wore their Husky gear or red and black clothing… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: On Wednesday, there was a CAS (Creative Arts & Sciences) program for our K-2 students. Presenter Sheryl Faye acted out a representation of Sally Ride, America’s first female astronaut. Lunar New Year As… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week: On Friday, our mascot Hero the Husky visited classrooms that hit their Paws target. Shhh…don’t tell Hardy students this top secret – Kudos to parent volunteer Jennifer Saull, who comes in each Friday… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Highlights from the past week! On Friday January 2nd, we had our class buddies time for the month of January as well as our Penguin Promenade Walk and Roll to School Day. Kudos to Mr. Guzzi for planning this… Continue reading Hello Hardy