Dear Hunnewell,

Wanted to send a few last minute reminders:

1. In order to ride the bus, you must register your child with the transportation department. Contact Patty Maguire in the transportation office. 781-446-6210 ext 5621. Note, you have to register each child in your family, too. 

2. Pay careful attention to arrival plans at the host schools tomorrow, as it does look like we will have a rainy start.

3. Remember to pack a water bottle and snack for tomorrow. 

4. Tomorrow is a half day, as are all Wednesdays. No lunch will be served. Dismissal is 12PM.

5. There is bus transportation for kindergarten students on the half day starts.

It was great fun to meet our new Ks today at the Popsicle party today at Bates. The Hunnewell staff and I look forward to welcoming everyone back tomorrow for the 2023-24 school year!

Have a good night.



Last Minute Reminders
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