Dear Hunnewell,

Thank you to Lillian Lau for opening her home to tonight’s first PTO meeting of the 2023-2024 school year. Heather Conway and Lillian Lau co-chair the PTO and are looking to increase participation and communication. Please reach out to them or me if you have any questions or ideas. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces tonight and also wonderful to see new faces. Heather Haskell, Grade 5 teacher, who attended the meeting tonight said it best, “Hunnewell is a special community!” 

The host school principals have sent or will send information on how they plan to deal with the heat in the next two days. I reiterate their call to send your child with a refillable water bottle and loose fitting clothes. Each principal will make a call about indoor or outdoor recess based on the conditions of their campus. The nurses at each school are working with their principals to make sure students stay hydrated and comfortable. I will be visiting each of the schools tomorrow to check-in on the kids and teachers.

Have a great night!



Heat Over the Next Two Days
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