Dear Hunnewell,

After observing the before and after school car and pedestrian traffic patterns for a few weeks, I want to share a few reminders that will keep everyone safe and make the arrival and dismissal efficient.

  • For now, when walking to and from the Cameron St. lot, use the sidewalk that runs along Cameron St. You can use the crosswalk that cuts across the parking lot to the plaza, then stay inside the granite posts in the plaza. Please do not cut through the parking lot or the bus circle. We have vans and buses arriving at different times. 

  • Please pull as far forward as you can when in the layby or when queuing along Cameron Street. Please keep your eyes forward, so you can see when the line is moving.

  • Make sure your child is ready to disembark from the car quickly. Also make sure your child gets in and buckles quickly at dismissal. We need to keep the line moving.

It is also very important that Pick-Up Patrol is updated with any changes to dismissal prior to 1:30pm. It is hard to look for one child when 200 plus are being dismissed at the same time. We want to make sure every child gets where they need to be safely. 

I also want to remind you to participate in the staff raffle.  Entries can be submitted electronically or by paper. A paper form was also sent home in your child’s orange folder last week. The deadline for entry is March 31st.

We look forward to welcoming Ball in the House next next Friday at 1:45. Grade 4 and 5 parents/caregivers are welcome to join us, as their students will be featured in the performance. We look forward to using our new stage!

Lastly, Katie Florio and Sara Sullivan, our school psychologists will be speaking about social/emotional learning at 6:30pm in the Hunnewell cafeteria, prior to the start of the 7:00pm PTO meeting on Thursday, March 21. Sara and Katie hope to use this as a kickoff for future sessions and as an opportunity to hear what topics may be of interest to you.

Enjoy the weekend!



In the Halls of Hunnewell
Secured By miniOrange