Hello Hardy families,
As many of you know a student was seriously injured last week at the Schofield driveway. I know this was extremely difficult for many of us. We continue to send positive thoughts and prayers to him and his family as he continues to heal. The Hardy community has jumped in to show their support. Hardy students will be making cards and origami wishing stars to show support. It also sounds like parents have put together other ways to support through Go Fund Me pages.
We will have an assemlby on Monday, June 5th at 8:45 a.m. in the gym for Hardy students to provide reminders about pedestrian and bike safety in addition to reviewing our rules around drop off and pick up.
We will put out the safety cones at the car pick up line on Hardy Road as a visual reminder to students to stay away from moving cars.
Cars that are waiting on Weston Road to get to the car pick up area on Hardy Road will need to remember to be alert to pedestrians crossing Hardy Road as walkers. Please do not block the crosswalk as you turn your car from Weston Road to Hardy Road or from Hardy Road to Weston Road as there is a lot of pedestrian traffic crossing the street. Earlier this year we had a situation where a car turning onto Hardy Road from Weston Road came very close to a student as she was crossing using the crosswalk.
Hardy families have been extremely patient with the car pick up given all of the challenges the facility presents. I thank you all for your patience and for your ongoing vigilance to be mindful and aware of students and parents walking and crossing the streets around the school.
The Hardy parking lot is not a place for children to be walking and as such we do not allow students to be dropped off in the lot. The only exception to that is the before school program and those parents park their car (given the time of day lot is not full) and walk with their children into the library.
Parents who are dropping their children off late (after 8:30) may park in the loop between 8:30 and 8:40 a.m. only and the parents must escort their child into the school to sign them in late.
Children should never be walking by themselves in the Hardy parking lot.
WCCC parents are allowed to park in the loop between 3:15 and 6:00 p.m. to pick up their children using the gym door.
Thank you,
Charlene Cook