Hello Hardy families,

Highlights from the past week: 

*We had our second week of parent-teacher conferences as parents and teachers came together to discuss students and ways to support student success.  

*Our third graders completed Project Based Learning (PBL) projects that were shared out to staff and their fourth grade buddy classes in the gym. These projects were tied to science standards and centered around designing models of houses that could withstand weather systems that are common in New England (including hurricanes, floods and blizzards). It was impressive to see these student creations!

Third grade students proudly show off their PBL based model house that has special features that provide protection from a hurricane. 

Calendar reminder

There is no school this Thursday due to the Veterans Day holiday. 

School Council Update

This past Thursday, the Hardy School Council met together. We reviewed a draft of the Elementary School Improvement Plan for the 2021-2022 school year. As part of this focus, we discussed curriculum and instruction (as part of the district goals of supporting 21st century learning and tiered systems of support), social-emotional learning and diversity, equity & inclusion. Stay tuned for updates on the work of the Council in future principal letters. 

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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