Hello Hardy families,
Happy New Year! Hopefully you had a relaxing vacation!
Highlights from the week before vacation:
*On Wednesday before vacation, the third grade students shared their weather PBL (Project Based Learning Projects). Students did a great job and should be proud of their projects!
*On Friday, we had a School Spirit Day as students showed off their Husky and Hawks pride!
Absences, Dismissal Changes, Early Dismissal
A reminder to please use the new PickUp Patrol app to notify the school of absences and any changes in dismissal. It is the safest and most efficient way to ensure staff know why your child is absent or late and to make a change in dismissal plans. Parents and guardians can download the app on a mobile device or access it on a computer. Changes can be made up until 2 p.m. (or 11 a.m. on Wednesdays). If your plans change after that time, call the office at 781-446-6270 or email Mrs. Rixon at rixonj@wellesleyps.org. Please do not email dismissal plans to the teacher, as they have limited access to email during the school day.
If your child will be in late due to an appointment, please note whether they would like to order a school lunch.
Special Thanks
Thanks to the PTO for providing a delicious breakfast for staff on the Wednesday before vacation. We appreciate your ongoing support!
Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith