Hello Hardy families,

Hope everyone had a safe & restful February vacation!

Highlights from the week before vacation:

On the Friday before vacation, we had a clap out as we sent off the Hunnewell students. As the Hunnewell students processed through the building, they were led by Mrs. Costello (wearing a crown covered in band-aids). We wish Mrs. Costello, the other Hunnewell staff members, and Hunnewell students well as they begin in their new school building!

On Friday, a group of 3rd grade parents led activities tied to Lunar New Year with our third graders. We also we had a School Spirit Day as students wore their Husky & Hawks gear to school.

Hardy construction project website reminder
As a reminder, there is a website that is devoted to providing updates on the Hardy construction project. This also includes design images. As a request from parents at our last PTO meeting, an image of the playground has been added to this site. Please look to this site for continuous updates throughout the duration of the construction project. 


Special Thanks
On Wednesday before vacation, we had a special staff “Souper Bowl” luncheon that was provided by the 5th grade parents. We are most grateful! 

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

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