Hello Hardy Families

Highlights from the past week:

On Friday, we had a Crazy Hat Day.

On Friday, we had a Project Build Hardy assembly in which students learned about landscape architecture and playground design. We were joined by the landscape architect and playground designer for the new Hardy School, Michael Dowhan (SMMA). Mr. Dowhan shared about tools used by landscape architects and shared images of the new Hardy School exterior. In classrooms, students are now designing their dream playgrounds.

Message from Librarian Lisa Sheehan
Hello Hardy Families,
I wanted to share with you that I’ve made the difficult decision to leave Hardy and Wellesley at the end of this school year.  A full time opportunity has presented itself in another district and I just can’t pass it up.  

My four years at Hardy have been wonderful.  No matter where you work, the people you spend your days with make the biggest impact.  I have been so fortunate to have built wonderfully collaborative relationships with an amazing and dedicated staff and I so appreciate their commitment to our students and the hard work they do every day.  

But the very hardest part of leaving is saying goodbye to the students I have built relationships with.  I (like all the specialists) have the unique opportunity to really get to know every student in the building.  These relationships are at the heart of my teaching and everything I’ve come to love about Hardy.  I’ve loved every small moment from ‘good mornings’ during morning drop off, chats about books, drop in library visits, and learning all about entertaining siblings, passionate hobbies, fun travels, favorite foods, crazy pets, and everything unique to each student.  And I’ve especially loved sharing our love of books with each other!  I will miss them all so very, very much!!    

I wish Hardy families all the very best with the new building and next school year!  Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful students with me and welcoming me into the Hardy community .

Lisa Sheehan
Teacher Librarian

Skills presentation
This past Wednesday evening, we had a special presentation by Kristen Stacey, Special Education Department Head who oversees the Skills program. This presentation provided information about the Skills program, information about the efforts to transition the program to Hardy, and quotes from Skills families with information that they’d want Hardy families to know about the Skills program. A special thanks to Kristen Stacy for preparing this presentation for our community. For those who missed the presentation, here you go: Skills presentation

Reminder about dogs on school property
As a friendly reminder dogs must be kept at the edges of school property, away from student drop off/pick up areas during arrival and dismissal. There are students that are afraid of dogs and we want to make sure we are keeping students safe and comfortable as they come and go to Hardy. Thank you for your cooperation! 

Hardy Spirit Day
This Friday, we will have our last School Spirit Day of the year. Students are invited to wear their Hardy gear or red colored clothing to school.

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,

Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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