Dear Sprague Community,
Open House–Friday, March 23 between 8:00 and 9:30 AM
The Sprague School Open House is this Friday, March 23 from 8:00-9:30 AM. As with any Open House, the time frame is flexible and was chosen in an attempt to accommodate as many parent schedules as we could. Generally speaking, parents can expect to spend about a half hour with each child in his/her classroom and visiting special classes like Art, Music, PE, and Library if they so desire. If a family has more than one child’s classroom to visit, they can plan with this in mind. There will not be a need to stay for the entire hour and a half unless you have 3 or more children here. We are planning a short presentation in the gym at 9:15. We are hoping to have a Teacher Video but snow days may make that difficult to finish. As long as we have school on Friday, we will have our Open House.
Students are expected to be in their own classrooms or with a parent during the Open House time window. They should not be wandering in the hallways unaccompanied or visit a sibling’s class without a parent.
Parking can be a challenge during Open House. Please do your best to park in a marked parking space or along School St. The Italo Club is usually an option as well. We will notify the Wellesley Police Dept. so they are aware of the event.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday morning and hope you enjoy seeing your child’s work, visiting the classroom, and talking with teachers. Please remember, it is not a time for individual parent conferences—they begin the next week. If you have not already signed up for a conference, please contact your child’s teacher.
Dates to remember:
March 23: Open House—Come any time between 8:00 and 9:30
March 30: No school—Good Friday
MCAS Schedule 2018
Sprague School
ELA- 2 sessions
Math- 2 sessions
Science – 2 sessions (grade 5 only)
April 2, 5: Grade 4 ELA
April 9, 10: Grade 5 ELA
April 12, 13: Grade 3 ELA
May 7, 8: Grade 4 Math
May 10, 11: Grade 5 Math
May 14, 15: Grade 3 Math
May 17, 18: Grade 5 Science