Dear Sprague,
Hello. I love a good quote. One that makes me read and reread for meaning, understanding, and in this case, reminders. So, I found myself turning to a few quotes related to patience. There are plenty to share and all apply to where we are during this challenging time. I thought I would share this particular one that I found myself coming back to:
“Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in your mind.” ~ David G. Allen
In my mind, I had the Sprague staff welcoming our cohorts back to in-person learning on September 15th/16th. As the quote says, this will still be the case, just in a different order.
During the August 25th School Committee meeting, the Superintendent shared the district’s planning successes and a variety of challenges that are still present during planning. As a result, the following has been proposed as a student learning and return plan. If changes occur, I will make edits to the below:
September 14th and 15th Teacher/Student/Family Meet and Greet (details to follow)
September 16th-18th First Days of School (both cohorts – remote setting for all)
September 21st-25th School Continues (remote for all)
October 1st Cohort A Return – First In-Person Day
October 2nd Cohort B Return – First In-Person Day
Week of October 5th Cohort A (Monday/Thursday) and Cohort B (Tuesday/Friday)
Before School Program
Sprague will be hosting a Before School Program (M, T, Th, Fri) based on cohort scheduling
If you are in need of the Before School Program, I please ask that you email me directly
Once you email me, we will begin the enrollment process for this program
Remote Learning School (RLS)
With the closing of the Parent Intent Survey, the RLS data is now being sorted
Active planning is in process for this program
As a result, additional communication and details will follow
I would be remiss if I did not say that our Sprague students that will be entering the RLS will be deeply missed!
Your family decisions are deeply respected and supported
Reminders from Previous Communications
Parent Powerschool Portal Access
To allow for further planning and complete the analysis of the Parent Intent Survey, parent access to the Powerschool Portal will be given in early September – specific date still to be determined
This access will identify teacher placement and cohort assignments
School Supply Lists and Welcome Letters
To continue the important focus on health and safety, classroom teachers have redesigned school supply lists
The vision with this year’s school supplies is to create an individual student toolkit that each student has access to and is theirs and theirs only (i.e. no more class supplies)
This toolkit will support health and safety and will also be available if we quickly revert to a remote setting
These newly designed supply lists ask for the basics (i.e. pencils, pens, glue sticks, scissors) allowing for an individual toolkit for each student
These supply lists will be posted on the Sprague main webpage in early September following the above Powerschool Parent Portal access timeline
Zoom Meeting
I look forward to hosting a live Zoom meeting for Sprague families in the near future
In addition to our planning for the hybrid instruction and cohort design, we are also redesigning Sprague processes and procedures
The specific day and time for this Zoom meeting is contingent on additional planning details
I look forward to seeing everyone soon via Zoom
Important District Documents on Reopening
All of the following can be found on the WPS main page – edits to documents will be made based on this newly shared return information
I am most grateful to have you all as Sprague families! I count my lucky stars daily.
P.S. I have another beloved dog story that involves a new rug….I will leave it at that. Doggie daycare, here we come!