Dear Sprague,

Hello.  Happy first day of spring and new beginnings!


Date Changes – March 31st

  • Wednesday, March 31st was originally a full, in-person day for Cohort B and C students

  • With the full, in-person return on April 5th, the plans for March 31st have changed

  • Wednesday, March 31st will now be a ½ day for all students

  • This ½ day will be the last remote ½ day


No School – April 2nd

  • No school on Friday, April 2nd due to Good Friday

Full Return – Monday, April 5th

  • Starting Monday, April 5th, all students will return for a full, in-person schedule

  • This full, in-person return includes in-person Wednesdays for all

New Wednesday Dismissal Time

  • Starting Wednesday, April 7th

  • Dismissal will be 12:00 pm versus the current 12:15 pm

  • This 12:00 pm dismissal will be for all the remaining Wednesdays starting April 7th

Student Viral Testing

  • This is a voluntary program

  • The Superintendent presented to families and that presentation will be posted on the WPS site 

  • Copy of WPS Grades 3-5 Viral Testing Webinar.pdf 

  • Kits will be distributed to students in grades 3-5 on March 25 (Cohort A/C) and March 26 (Cohort B)

  • Samples will be returned to school on March 29th (Cohort A/C) and March 30th (Cohort B)

  • Kits for the week of April 5th will also be distributed on March 29th/30th

  • The regular schedule will include kit distribution on Thursdays and collection on Mondays

  • An in-school collection plan is being created and will be shared with students/families


Last Day of School

  • June 17th for all students



March 31st (NEW)                  ½ day for all students – last remote Wednesday for all 

April 2nd                                 No School – Good Friday

April 5th                                  Full return for all students

April 6th (Tuesday)                ½ Day – Dismissal at 12:00 pm – Parent/Teacher Conferences

April 7th                                  First in-person Wednesday for all – 1/2 day with dismissal at 12:00 pm

April 7th                                  Parent/Teacher Conferences

April 14th                                Parent/Teacher Conferences

April 19th-23rd                       April Vacation

Welcome to a new, well-deserved beginning for all!



Updates – March 20, 2021
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