Dear Sprague,

Hello.  Sprague felt the deep appreciation from all Sprague families this past week.  The building was full of great spirit and recognition.  Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout the week.  On behalf of all of Sprague, we are grateful.  

Happy Mother’s Day!


Thank You

  • Thank you to the Sprague PTO for organizing an army of volunteers in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week

  • Thank you to each grade level parent representative for then engaging the troops

  • Thank you to the many who shopped, delivered, decorated, contributed in a variety of ways 


Black Lives Matter Flag


Sprague BLM Flag Statement 2021.pdf 

Dear Sprague Community,


We are proud that we are putting up a Black Lives Matter flag at Sprague School. It will hang as a statement of welcome and an affirmation of our HEART values: helping, efforts towards excellence, acceptance and appreciation, respect, and teamwork. 

Hanging the flag is not to say that only Black Lives Matter; it says that Black Lives Matter also, in addition to all other lives in our community. Black lives have been targeted recently and throughout U.S. history and have not mattered in the court of law or the court of public opinion. We recognize all lives matter when Black Lives Matter.

Author Laleña Garcia said, “The Civil Rights Movement, with people we know about, like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, worked to change laws that were unfair. The Black Lives Matter Movement is made up of people who want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly, because, even though many of those laws were changed many years ago, some people are still not being treated fairly.” 

The hanging of the flag is not a symbol that encourages students or families to vote for a certain candidate nor does the hanging of the flag endorse any particular organization. Rather, this flag is a statement in support of human dignity, respect, and justice.

Sprague is committed to making school a more equitable and inclusive place for all. However, we know that Black students and staff have not always felt like they matter here. Black staff and students have shared that the curriculum, discipline policies, and at times, peers, teachers, and colleagues have made them feel unwelcome, and they have not always felt valued. Here at Sprague, we’re working to change that. 

Systemic racism against Black Americans has been present for too long. It is important to affirm that Black Lives Matter. We want our Black students, staff, and community members to thrive and to know that their learning, growing, and belonging matter at Sprague. 

At Sprague, we expect students and adults to challenge inequities. The first step in doing so is to recognize inequities where and when they exist. This flag is a symbol of that commitment and an acknowledgement of progress to be made. 

This statement is overdue. It is not an end in itself, but another beginning in the work towards a more equitable school and community.  

Adapted by Sprague’s BLM Flag Committee from WMS statement: 

WMS Leadership Team / WMS Faculty Senate / WMS PTO / WMS School Council / WPS METCO / WMS Diversity, Equity, Action Committee / 

WMS Students Talking About Race Skillfully (STARS)


MCAS Testing Schedule Spring 2021

  • May 10thELA – grade 4

  • May 11thELA – grade 5

  • May 14thELA – grade 3

  • We respectfully ask for your help with the following in preparation for the scheduled testing day:

  • Please come to school with a fully charged iPad

  • Please arrive to school on time – no later than 8:30 am

  • Please have students eat a healthy and hearty breakfast

  • Please encourage students to go to bed early for a solid night’s sleep

  • Please know that teachers have well-prepared students so each is ready!

  • We ask that each does his/her best as that is all we can ask for!


District Report Card

  • Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card

  • Just as your child’s report card shows progress in different subjects, the school’s report card is designed to show families the school’s progress in a variety of different areas

  • A link to our school’s report card is available at:

  • If you have any questions, please feel free ask

  • Thank you for being an important partner in your child’s education!


Placement 2021-2022

  • You are always encouraged to contact me directly regarding any serious concerns directly related to your child(ren)’s placement 


Field 1.5 Hour (Day)

  • June 8thkindergarten and grade one – morning

  • June 8thgrades two and three – afternoon

  • June 9thgrades four and five – morning

  • Each event will be approximately 1.5 hours – Field 1.5 (Day)

  • It has been a collaborative district decision that this will be an event of a much smaller scale 

  • Unfortunately it has also been determined that it will be an internal event only – no spectators or volunteers from outside the building

  • Aligning with all other goals this particular year, our focus is on maintaining and adhering to our health and safety protocols 

  • Thank you for your continued support and understanding on this topic along with all other topics


Last Day of School

  • June 16th – full day Wednesday

  • June 17th – last day of school for all students



May 31st                            No School – Memorial Day

June 8th                            Field 1.5 Hour (Day) – grades K-3

June 9th                            Field 1.5 Hour (Day) – grades 4 and 5

June 14th                          Grade 5 Graduation – morning (details to follow)

June 16th (Wednesday)   Full-day Wednesday

June 17th                          Last Day of School – ½ day

Here’s to a great rest of the year! 











Updates – May 8, 2021
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