Dear Sprague/Hunnewell,
Thank you to those that were able to join for the Literacy Coffee hosted on Wednesday of last week. You are always encouraged to reach out with questions related to any topic.
Being a long weekend, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., I wish everyone a wonderful, long weekend and want to recognize the importance of Dr. King’s work, beliefs, and passion for equity, diversity, and inclusion for all.
No School
No school on Monday, January 16, 2023
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
See everyone on Tuesday, January 17th!
Winter Concert
All are welcome to join for a plethora of musical talent and enjoyable music!
Wednesday, January 18th
11:00 am
Sprague gym
Grade 5 Chorus, Sprague/Hunnewell Band/Orchestra performs
MCAS Testing Dates – Grades 3, 4, and 5 Only
MCAS is an annual standardized test administered to grades 3, 4, and 5 only
Please mark your calendars for the spring testing dates
January 16th Martin Luther King Holiday – No School
January 18th Winter Concert (grade 5 chorus/band/orchestra performs)
February 1st Walk/Roll-to-School Day
February 20th-24th February Vacation
March 2nd Walk/Roll-to-School Day
April 4th Walk/Roll-to-School Day
May 3rd Walk/Roll-to-School Day
June 2nd Walk/Roll-to-School Day