Dear Sprague Families,

Correction regarding Sprague spirit wear for Friday, December 13th:

Sprague’s 100th Birthday Celebration

  • Happy Birthday, Sprague!

  • In September, Sprague celebrated 100 years!

  • In honor of that amazing milestone, please mark you calendars for Friday, December 13th at 8:45 am

  • We will be hosting an All-School Assembly to honor, celebrate, and recognize all of Sprague’s growth and changes over the decades

  • Please have your child/ren wear their Sprague gear/spirit wear to school on Friday, December 13th!  Our goal is to have a sea of RED and BLACK in honor of the special event.

  • Any Sprague spirit wear will apply for the big day – (i.e. a red Sprague t-shirt or the most recent black 100th Sprague t-shirt)

  • If your child does not own any Sprague spirit wear, you are encouraged to dress your child in red or black, in honor of Sprague’s colors, please

Much appreciated!




100th Day Celebration – Sprague Spirit Wear