Dear Sprague Families,

Welcome to this last week of January!

Note from the Nurse’s Office

  • Sprague has had many absences due to illness

  • I hope all of our ill students have a speedy recovery!

  • Please see the attached information from Chris Babicz, Sprague School Nurse  

  • Winter Newsletter. Nurse Office.pdf 


Redistricting Community Forums

  • Please join the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Redistricting

  • Goals are to review and provide feedback on the draft redistricting plans under development for implementation after the construction of the new elementary schools, currently projected for fall of 2024

  • Forums are scheduled on the following dates:

Tues., January 28, 2020 at 9 am

  • The last forum will be held in the Wellesley Middle School Auditorium


Standards-Based Report Cards

  • Report Cards will be sent home with students on Friday, January 31st

  • This being the first report card using the new reporting system, please ask any questions

  • Please review the cover letter that will accompany all students’ Standards-Based Report Cards – Standards-Based Report Card Cover Letter

Please review the report cards/specific standards for each grade level:

Kindergarten Report Card

Grade 1 Report Card

Grade 2 Report Card

Grade 3 Report Card

Grade 4 Report Card

Grade 5 Report Card


Kindergarten Round Up (registration) Dates REVISED

  • Wednesday, February 12th   (REVISED DATE)   3:00 to 6:00 pm  (snow date 2/26)

  • Saturday, March 7th                                              9:00 to 12:00 pm (snow date 3/14)    

  • Sprague Elementary School as the location

  • Registration is for children 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2020

  • Please bring registration forms and required documents

  • Please visit for additional information


Walk-to-School Day

  • Wednesday, February 5th

  • 8:15 – 8:30 am


February Vacation

  • February 17th – 21st


Please visit in order to join the weekly PTO Pulse, if you have not already done so.

Thank you for your support always!  




Sprague Reminders – January 25, 2020
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