Dear Sprague Families,

Walk/Ride/Roll-to-School Day was a huge success with 233 walkers/riders.  It was brisk, but a great way to start the day.  Thank you for the school spirit and the support.  Thank you to Ms. Flitsch and the many parent volunteers for making the event happen.

The first round of conferences were productive and highly successful.  Thank you for the continued home/school connection.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, November 10th – Veterans Day Assembly

  • Sprague will be hosting our annual Veterans Day Assembly on Wednesday, November 10th!

  • 9:00 am – approximately 9:30 am

  • We will be hosting outside on the labyrinth – masks will remain on for extra safety

  • 5NB will be hosting this year’s assembly and many veterans will be present, honored, and recognized

  • All Sprague families are encouraged to join us!  All are welcome.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

  • No School in honor of Veterans Day

  • Thank you to the many men and women across the country, and local to Sprague, for their service!

Lunch Transition

  • Our continued goal is to have a picnic-style lunch outside for as long as we can

  • At the end of this past week, we made quick decisions to have lunch indoors due to the chilly outdoor temperatures

  • However, next week’s temperatures look mild so we plan to be outdoors

  • Soon enough we will officially be making the transition from outdoor lunch to indoor lunch in the gym for the winter season

Recess and Zones and Before School Zones

  • This year’s schedule has grade levels participating in lunch/recess with just one grade level at a time.  Classrooms across the grade level mingle with each other during the lunch/recess time. 

  • During the second recess of the day, with more than one grade level present, we continued to implement the recess zones so students across grade levels were not mixing/mingling with each other

  • As of November 1st, we lifted those recess zones so grade levels are mixing/mingling with each other – this refers to outdoor times

  • We will continue the before school grade level zones in the morning when students arrive to school

Surveillance Testing – Tuesdays

  • Please note that surveillance testing will be a regular weekly occurrence happening on Tuesdays at Sprague



  • Thursday, November 11th                                     No School – Veterans Day

  • Wednesday, November 24th                                 Early Release (12:00 pm)

  • Thursday/Friday, November 25th-26th                No School – Thanksgiving Recess

  • Monday, November 29th                                       No School – Professional Day

  • Thursday, December 2nd                                     Walk-to-School Day

  • Thursday, December 9th                                      Picture Retake Day

  • December 24th – 31st                                           No School – Year-end Vacation

  • Wednesday, January 5th                                     Walk-to-School Day

  • Tuesday, February 1st                                         Walk-to-School Day

  • Friday, March 4th                                                 Walk-to-School Day

  • Thursday, April 7th                                              Walk-to-School Day

  • Tuesday, May 3rd                                                 Walk-to-School Day

  • Wednesday, June 1st                                          Walk-to-School Day


Looking forward to seeing you next week!





Updates – November 6, 2021
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