Dear Sprague,

Welcome back!  I hope the week away was rejuvenating in more ways than one.

As we prepare to return, please note the message from Superintendent Lussier earlier this morning.  As this week unfolds, and the pending School Committee approval of loosening Covid restrictions, more information will follow this week regarding practices and procedures at Sprague.  Please note that upon our return, we will be preparing the cafeteria for student lunches at a table.  However, this requires preparation both logistical and procedural as some students have not used the cafeteria in two years while others have not used it at all.  We plan to resume lunches in the cafeteria the week of March 14th.  This will allow us to plan and prepare with students.

Additional details and information will follow, but until then, enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday!  Welcome back!



Welcome Back!
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