Dear Sprague, Hello. BIG WEEK this week! The Sprague staff and I could not be more excited. As goes the first day, so goes the rest of the year! A unique year will not stop us from making sure it… Continue reading Updates – September 13, 2020
Note from School Nurse, Chris Babicz
Dear Parents, Hello. Please see the attached note from School Nurse, Chris Babicz, regarding student medication drop off plans. 9_20 Parent Med Letter Sprague.pdf In addition, please remember the student materials pick up plan scheduled for Monday, September 14th or Tuesday,… Continue reading Note from School Nurse, Chris Babicz
Materials Pick Up Plan – September 14th and 15th
Dear Parents, Hello. Please see the materials pick up plan attached here. Materials Pick Up Plan.pdf This scheduled pick up plan is also for our Sprague students attending the Remote Learning School (RLS). I recognize there may be conflicts with the planned… Continue reading Materials Pick Up Plan – September 14th and 15th
Welcome Back to Sprague!
Dear Sprague Families, The time has finally arrived. Welcome home! Please see the attached Welcome Back letter. Welcome Back Letter – September 8, 2020.pdf With Admiration, Leigh
Updates – September 3, 2020
Dear Sprague, Hello. To say it is busy would be an understatement. However, it is energizing to know there is a light at the end of this tunnel, which is our Sprague kids! Hybrid/RLS Switches As we work to finalize… Continue reading Updates – September 3, 2020
Updates – August 31, 2020
Dear Sprague, Hello. As September quickly rounds the corner, my heart is full of joy as each day we get closer to the return of school. Even though this year’s return certainly is not the return we ever could have… Continue reading Updates – August 31, 2020
Updates – August 26, 2020
Dear Sprague, Hello. I love a good quote. One that makes me read and reread for meaning, understanding, and in this case, reminders. So, I found myself turning to a few quotes related to patience. There are plenty to share… Continue reading Updates – August 26, 2020
Updates – August 21st
Dear Sprague, Hello. As the active planning continues for everyone, I do hope you are able to find and celebrate those moments of pure joy that remind us all how important it is to stop and smell the roses. One… Continue reading Updates – August 21st
Superintendent’s August 14th Message – Resending
Dear Sprague Families, This purpose of this email is to resend Superintendent Lussier’s email sent on Friday, August 14th. Please note the parent survey along with the elementary school reopening forum details. Respectfully, Leigh
Update – August 15, 2020
Dear Sprague Families, Hello. Wishing everyone a wonderful summer weekend! Time waits for no one. So, as a result, it continues to pass quickly. Health and safety for students, staff, and families are paramount to our reopening so the active… Continue reading Update – August 15, 2020