The results are being filtered by the character: C Clear Search Search Directory A B C D F G H J K L M O P Q R S T V W Z C Sara Carr Math Coach Phone: 781-263-1969 ;2546work Email: carrs@wellesleyps.orgINTERNET Carol Civetti Teaching Assistant Phone: 781-263-1969work Email: civettic@wellesleyps.orgINTERNET Brian Corey Art Teacher Phone: 781-263-1969 ;2574work Email: coreyb@wellesleyps.orgINTERNET Kelly Cote Library Teacher Phone: 781-263-1969 ;2587work Email: cotek@wellesleyps.orgINTERNET Brandon Cox Elementary METCO Academic Coordinator Office located at WHSMETCO Phone: 781-446-6200work Email: coxb@wellesleyps.orgINTERNET Website: Wellesley METCO Program Website Please report any Staff Directory updates or additions to Lisa Licata, Sprague Secretary.