Dear Bates Families, We really enjoyed the sunshine today at Bates. What a great way to close out our week! This is just a quick note to share that we’ve had a very smooth transition this week to the mask… Continue reading Bates Buzz 3.11.22
Spring 2022 After School Enrichment Programs
It’s time to register for Spring After School Enrichment Classes! Registration begins this Thursday, March 10 at 10am. Visit the Wellesley Recreation website and search for Activity #222502 to register. Please note that you will need to log in to sign up for classes.… Continue reading Spring 2022 After School Enrichment Programs
Bates Buzz 3.4.22
Dear Bates Families, As you may be aware, on Wednesday night the School Committee unanimously approved the district’s COVID-19 transition plan. The full plan is attached below. I will highlight two changes effective Monday, March 7 for Bates students and… Continue reading Bates Buzz 3.4.22
Bates Buzz 2.17.22
Dear Bates Families, We had a wonderful Day of Play yesterday. Thank you for sending in materials, and thank you to the adults who helped set up and clean up. Our students were truly amazing, showcasing their creativity, flexibility, perseverance, … Continue reading Bates Buzz 2.17.22
WPS Closed on Friday, February 4, 2022
Due to the anticipated impact of weather conditions tomorrow, WPS will be closed on Friday, February 4, 2022. No staff should report to their buildings. Please remain safe everyone.