Hello Hardy Families:
We are off to a great start. Classrooms are in full swing. We had our first whole school assembly- thanks to the Cultural Arts Committee- the Brain Show was a lot of fun.  On Friday, we held our annual RISE kick off assembly. Hardy has a tradition of having our students lead our assemblies and our students certainly shined last Friday.
Hardy parents and students continue to be superstars when it comes to getting to school on time!!! Congratulations!!!  We have really pushed ourselves to have all the children into school crossing their classroom threshold at 8:30. Thank you for your help with this and let’s keep it going. The bell rings at 8:25, Kindergarten through grade 3 students quickly line up to get ready to come in and our grade 4 and 5 students walk in on their own.  Our grade 4 and 5 students are so responsible that we thought we would give them that opportunity. They are modeling RISE for the rest of the students, way to go!
Freddie will continue to lock the doors at 8:30 so if your child is coming in after 8:30 they need to enter using the front door. The Pledge of Allegiance and the RISE pledge are shared throughout the school at 8:35 and instruction starts right after that.  You would be so proud of how efficient and focused your children are as they enter and get ready to start their school day.  
A couple reminders:
  • Students are allowed on the playground from 8:15 to 8:30.  Prior to 8:15 we do not have supervision so please make sure your children are not on school grounds or in the school building.
  • No parking on Hardy Street during drop off and pick up time.   
Car Drop Off and Pick Up:
We are into our 5th week of school and I want to make sure we are practicing safe procedures throughout the school day including car pick up. Families are frequently going in a million different directions with all kinds of activities and sometimes we need to be reminded of the procedures that are put in place to keep our children safe.  I ask that you review the procedures for car drop off so we can have a safe and friendly arrival and dismissal.  
  • Students cannot be dropped off or picked up in the school parking lot.  The only exception is the before school program. Those parents park and walk their children into school.  
  • Cars are not allowed to drop off or pick up in the driveway in front of the school where the bus drops off and picks up.
  • You may drop off your child between 8:15 and 8:30 in the horseshoe drive on Hardy Road.  That is the only place a car can drop off during that time. Children disembark independently.  If your child needs assistance someone is there to help. 
  • There is no parking on Hardy Road during the drop off or pick up times
  • Children will only be released to cars that are parked in the pick up zones after 3:05.  
  • Parking and walking across Hardy Road and then making a U-Turn is not safe or allowed. 
  •  You should have an identification card in clear sight to the staff at pick up. 
  • You can park on a side street (be courteous to residents) and then pick your child up in the walker area. 
  • If you are late picking up your child, he or she will be taken to the office to wait for you.
World Language Update:
¡Hola familias de Hardy! Soy Bárbara Barnett, the World Language Director for the Elementary Schools, and I am ecstatic to be starting our new programa de español!  Vixen Peare (Spanish teacher at Sprague) and I have been diligently working in developing a strong curriculum that centers on proficiency while promoting an understanding of and appreciation for other cultures, and reinforcing the learning of the general curriculum content.  We have met with classroom teachers and visited classrooms.  We are incredibly impressed with students’ eagerness to learn and cannot wait to get started teaching your children.  Mark your calendars!  Las clases de español for kindergarten, first and second graders will begin on December 1st.  Please, check out the Spanish bulletin board by the front office.  You will see that RISE also happens en español…Respeto, Inclusión, Seguridad y Estímulo.  You will notice pretty soon that all labels/signs around the school will also be en español.  This would be a great opportunity for you to sharpen or learn for the first time your Spanish skills.   Please, stay tuned for further news. ¡GRACIAS!   Thank you, Charlene Cook, Principal

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Hello Hardy Families
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