Dear Hardy families,

I hope you had a safe and restful vacation! 

Highlight from the week before vacation:
*Our first graders created a PBL (Project Based Learning) project about communities. Here are a couple samples of their projects. Bravo to our first graders!

CASEL Framework roll out:
Over the next few months, Hardy will be focused on the CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) framework. The CASEL framework addresses five broad and interrelated areas of competence: 

  1. Self-awareness 
  2. Self-management 
  3. Social awareness 
  4. Relationship Skills
  5. Responsible decision making 

As part of January’s emphasis on self-awareness, our school focus will be on identifying one’s emotions. The goals will be for students to communicate how they are feeling and to be able to discuss the feelings of characters in a text. Through special read alouds and related discussion questions shared in the classroom, our hope is that students will be able to develop better self-awareness. There will also be a bulletin board display in the hallway that will contain information about the monthly competency. Stay tuned for more information on this initiative in future newsletters. 

Important health reminders from our nurse Mrs. Sullivan
In an effort to continue to promote practices that will contribute to a healthy school community, please be mindful of the following health reminders:

  • Get vaccinated and receive a booster if you are eligible;

  • Do not come to school if you exhibit any COVID-related symptoms, even if mild;

  • Wear a properly-fitting mask while indoors at school;

  • Wear a mask when you attend large indoor gatherings or participate in indoor activities, such as shopping, when you don’t know the vaccination status of those around you;

  • Practice social distancing where possible, particularly when not wearing a mask.

  • Use frequent hand washing

  • If you would like to provide consent for your child to participate in the WPS COVID-19 viral testing program but have not provided consent, please do so using this Testing Program Consent Link  Without this consent, students cannot participate in the district’s viral testing program, including the test and stay program. 

All School Pajama Day
This upcoming Friday we will have our next School Spirit Day planned by our 5th graders. Students are invited to wear their favorite pajamas to school. 

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith 

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