Dear Hardy families,

Highlights from the past week:
*On Wednesday, a group of Hardy students participated in community service as they sang to the residents of The Falls at Cordingly Dam in Newton. Our dedicated music teacher, Mr. Corcoran, reported that the students did a great job bringing joy to the residents through this act of service! Thank you to the Hardy families and the Community Service Committee for organizing this service project for our community!

*On Friday, we had our School Spirit Day for December. It was great to see students showing their Hardy spirit! 

Fourth graders showing their Hardy spirit

*On Friday, students participated in the December Dash Walk to School Day.

Our dedicated Fitness and Heath teacher Mr. Guzzi giving out stickers to students who participated. 

*On Friday, our fifth graders performed their Winter Concert. They did a great job and should be proud of their efforts! Kudos to Mr. Corcoran and Mr. Wilson for their leadership of this concert. Also special thanks to parent Jenny Tsai for her support as an accompanist on piano.

Staffing Update
One of our dedicated Teaching Assistants, Ms. Kristin Kelly, obtained a teaching position in Natick and unfortunately has to move on from Hardy. We are appreciative of all of Kristin’s hard work and commitment to students at Hardy and wish her well in her new position! We are in the process of searching for a replacement for Ms. Kelly and once this person is identified we will share this news with the community.

Important health information from our nurse, Mrs. Sullivan

Health Information:
As the winter vacation approaches, let’s be especially mindful to follow the practices that we know work to keep our school community healthy:

  • Get vaccinated and receive a booster if you are eligible;

  • Do not come to school if you exhibit any COVID-related symptoms, even if mild;

  • Wear a properly-fitting mask while indoors at school;

  • Wear a mask when you attend large indoor gatherings or participate in indoor activities, such as shopping, when you don’t know the vaccination status of those around you;

  • Practice social distancing where possible, particularly when not wearing a mask.

  • Use frequent hand washing

  • If you would like to provide consent for your child to participate in the WPS COVID-19 viral testing program but have not provided consent, please do so using this Testing Program Consent Link  Without this consent, students cannot participate in the district’s viral testing program, including the test and stay program. 

Personal News:
Also, on a personal note, I have a broken ankle and have to stay off my feet while this is healing (I am going to be out of the building for now and planning to return to school in person sometime in late January/early February). Paige Coughlin ( will be the primary nurse providing substitute coverage during my absence. I am in regular communication with Paige throughout the day and parents/guardians can feel free to continue to reach out to me with any health related questions/concerns. As a reminder, my email address is: 

World Map Bulletin Board
In an effort to promote global education and an appreciation of the cultural diversity within our Hardy community, we are in the process of planning a special bulletin board that will include a world map with a push pin used to identify every country that matches up to the background of Hardy students. We also will include country flags that match to these countries on this bulletin board. Our hope is that students will see themselves reflected on this map and will see the rich diversity of our student body as a whole. A special thanks to English Language teachers, Mrs. Pekowitz and Ms. Ferguson, who are gathering the information and putting together this board.

Have a great upcoming vacation!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith 

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