Hello Hardy

*On Wednesday we had International Night, which served as a celebration of the rich diversity within the Hardy family. A special thanks to parent Sonia Kolenchary for planning this special event for our community!

Spring Concert
*On Friday we had our spring concert. Kudos to our student instrumentalists and 5th grade singers for their efforts in this performance! Also a special thanks to Mr. Corcoran, Mr. Wilson, and Ms. Verret for preparing students for this concert.

RISE bulletin board

A new bulletin board featuring an image collage of RISE logos created by our students was posted in the main hallway. Hopefully this display is a helpful reminder that we can show RISE in many wonderful ways!

June Jaunt Walk to School Day

On Tuesday, we will have the June Jaunt Walk to School Day. Students are encouraged to be active and green by walking to school!

Attention Kindergarten parents

On Friday at 8:45 AM, we will have an assembly led by our Kindergarten classes in the gym. Parents are invited to attend and are asked to wear a mask when inside the gym for this event.

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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