Dear Hardy community,

Highlights from the past week:
*On Wednesday, we had Field Day. Kudos to our outstanding PE teacher Mr. Guzzi for planning this special day for the Hardy community!

Third graders having fun playing tug of war!

*On Friday, we had our fifth grade Moving Up ceremony. Congratulations to our 40 fifth graders as they move up to middle school!

Special Thanks

*As we come to the end of the school year, I want to thank all of the teachers & staff members for all their hard work and dedication! It is their commitment to our students, working tirelessly to help promote academic & social-emotional growth, that has helped students to be successful this year.

*I also want to thank all of the parents for their ongoing support. I especially want to thank the PTO who did so much to support the life of our school. I am sincerely grateful! 

Wishing you a safe and fun-filled summer vacation!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

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