Hello Hardy families,

Highlight from the past week:

*It was Hour of Code week in library classes. Students participated in highly engaging coding activities. Kudos to librarian Ms. Sheehan for planning this special week for our students!

*On Friday, we had an all-school meeting featuring our 3rd graders. Students taught us the meaning of self-management, shared about their weather PBL (Project Based Learning) and how this project incorporates the SEL themes of kindness, empathy, and cooperation. Great job 3rd graders!

December Dash- Walk & Bike to School day

On Tuesday, we’ll have the December Dash Walk & Bike to School Day. Students are encouraged to walk or bike to school!

Conversations with School Committee

This Wednesday, December 14th at 9:00 AM representatives from the School Committee will be hosting a Zoom based meeting as part of a series of meetings with each of the schools in the district. The School Committee will share an update on School Committee related work and will be available to answer questions. I will also be on hand to answer any school specific questions. This will take place over zoom at: 


Meeting ID: 880 2130 3406

Tie Dye and Pattern Day

On Friday, we’ll have the next 5th grade planned School Spirit Day. Students are invited to wear either tie dyed or patterned clothing to school. 

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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