Dear Hardy families,

Highlights from the past week:

*On Tuesday, we had Back to School Night. See below for more information.

*We had the School Council parent representative election and I am pleased to announce that our four parent representative candidates were elected for our four openings. Congratulations to our parent representatives Adam Meyers, Matt Werger, Marie Han and Domingos Lamas! 

Back to School Night 

We hope parents felt welcomed and included at Back to School Night. This event serves as an opportunity for the Hardy family to come together and talk about the year ahead. This serves as one of the first opportunities to support a strong home-school connection, something that we know is essential for student success. Here is the slide deck from the Principal-PTO welcome portion of the evening for those who missed it:

Attention 3rd-5th grade parents

This fall, WPS elementary schools will expand our use of the NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Growth online assessment in mathematics. The district is administering the assessment to grades 3, 4 and 5 in each school. Our district goal is to implement high quality assessment to understand and support your child’s mathematical learning. The purpose of the assessment is to identify a student’s strengths and needs in mathematics with a high level of validity and reliability. This assessment will assist teachers with planning curricular extensions and identifying areas for support. The MAP Growth assessment is an online, adaptive assessment that is taken on students’ individual iPads, typically in one instructional period. This will be administered in the fall, winter, and spring.

Reminder Smartphones, Smartwatches, and other Electronic Devices

As a friendly reminder, smartphones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices must be put away in backpacks during the school day. These items are not considered put away if they are in the pockets of jackets, coats or pants.  Parents wishing to reach students during school hours are asked to call the main office and leave a message for the student. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Attention 5th grade parents

Fifth grade parents are invited to our next all school meeting this upcoming Friday morning at 8:45 AM in the gym. Fifth graders will lead this all school meeting and teach the school about R.I.S.E.

Spirit DayThis upcoming Friday, we will have our first all-school Spirit Day. Students are invited to wear their Huskies or Hawks gear to school. 


Have a great week

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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