Hello Hardy families,

Highlights from the past week:

*On Friday, we had our first School Spirit Day in which students showed off their Husky or Hawks pride!

*On Friday, we had an all-school meeting featuring the fifth grade students who shared about RISE. We also had a special visit from Hero the Husky.


School Photo Day

As a friendly reminder, this upcoming Wednesday, October 4th is school photo day. 

Walk, Ride & Roll Day

Celebrate International Walk, Ride & Roll Day this Wednesday, October 4! Join with students (and adults) around the world by ditching your car and walking or biking to school or work.

Using transportation options other than cars can help ease traffic congestion and help families build lifelong healthy habits. Here are some ideas from the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program:

  • Look for crosswalks, stoplights, and quieter streets to help plan the best route to school.

  • Join with neighbors and others on your route to set up a walking school bus where adults take turns walking groups of kids to school on specific days.

  • Use your school directory to connect with other families walking or biking to school.

  • If you live too far from school to walk the entire way, consider driving part way to school and walking the last 15 minutes.

  • Ride the bus to school (or take public transportation to work) to keep more cars off the road.

Those interested in volunteering for the Safe Routes to School program should contact School Committee Vice Chair Catherine Mirick at mirickc@wellesleyps.org or Select Board Vice Chair Colette Aufranc at caufranc@wellesleyma.gov. By doing our part, we can help make every day “walk to school” day!

School-wide fun-filled Spirit Days throughout October

Throughout October, we will have several fun-filled Spirit Days. This will include a Fall PJ day (Fri. Oct. 6th), Sock-tober, wear mis-matched socks (Fri. Oct. 13th), crazy hat day (Fri. Oct. 20th), Husky/Hawks Spirit Day (Fri. Oct. 27th), and wear orange, black, and purple to school (Tues. Oct. 31st). Hopefully these Spirit Days will promote joy at Hardy! We look forward to our first Spirit Day this upcoming Friday as students wear PJs to school. 


Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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