Dear Hardy families,

As we were off from school tomorrow in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I hope your family was able to take time to reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. King.


On the first Friday of the month, we had a Polar Plunge Walk & Ride to School day. Kudos to Fitness & Health teacher Mr. Guzzi for planning this special day for our school. 

This past Friday, we had a special all-school meeting featuring our 3rd graders. Kudos to teachers Mrs. Poole, Mrs. McNamara, Ms. Carver, Mrs. Scotland, and Ms. Campbell for preparing students for this all-school meeting.

Promoting Joy at Hardy through Special Spirit Days
In an effort to promote student leadership, giving students a voice in decision-making, fifth graders have voted on special Spirit Days designed to promote joy at Hardy. These will include:

January 19th- Pajama Day
February 9th- Favorite Teams Day (dress showing support for your favorite team)
March 15th- Color Day (each grade level assigned a different color to wear)
April 12th- Dress like your favorite book, movie, tv character
May 24th- Crazy Hat day

Pajama Day
Our first special Spirit Day planned by our 5th graders will take place this Friday. Students are invited to wear pajamas to school. We hope this event will help spread joy throughout our school.

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

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