Hello Hardy families,

I hope you had a restful April vacation!

Highlights from the week before vacation:

On Friday, we had a Project Build Hardy Assembly. Students learned about electricity and electrical components being used in the new Hardy School building.

We also had a special School Sprit Day where students dressed like their favorite book, tv, or movie characters.

Parent Presentation this week featuring Rob Evans
As a reminder, this Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the Hardy library, we will be joined by Rob Evans. See more information below:

There is no harder job than being a parent. Nothing else touches so much of a person so deeply—or so unpredictably—and there is no training for it. This was true pre-COVID, as the pace of life accelerated, media influences intensified, and the future grew less predictable. After four challenging years, it’s no wonder parents find it harder to be confident, how to reduce their children’s stress—and their own. Rob Evans will outline these dilemmas and offer concrete suggestions for successful coping.

Dr. Evans is a psychologist, a former high school and pre-school teacher, and a former child and family therapist. He is the author of four books and many articles. He has worked with teachers and parents in 1,800 schools, including every school in Wellesley. For many years he was the Executive Director of The Human Relations Service, the private, non-profit mental agency serving Wellesley children and families. His presentations are known for their lively wit, plain talk, and practical advice.

*A video recording of the presentation will be available for those who are unable to attend on Wednesday evening.

WPS Family STEAM night
Mark your calendars- WPS is planning a STEAM night for Monday, May 20th from 6:00-7:30 PM. This will take place in the WHS cafeteria. For more information: WPS Family Steam Night 

Spirit Day
This upcoming Friday, we will have our next School Spirit Day. Students are invited to wear their Hardy gear to school. 

Special Thanks
Thanks to the fourth grade parents for providing staff with a delicious lunch the Wednesday before vacation. We appreciate the parent community’s ongoing support!

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

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