Hello Hardy

We wrapped up parent-teacher conferences for the spring. Parents and teachers came together to discuss ways to support student success in the final weeks of the school year.

Project Build Hardy theme for April
Our Project Build Hardy theme for the month of April is electrical. As part of an upcoming Project Build Hardy assembly this Friday, we will be joined by an electrician working at the project site. This will be followed by classroom based activities that involve teaching about electricity. Stay tuned for more information about the Project Build Hardy initiative in upcoming Principal Letters. 

Temporary Path closed during April vacation
During the upcoming April vacation, the temporary path connecting Lawrence Rd./Hickory Rd. to Hardy Rd. will be closed. This will be reopened the Monday after the vacation.

Students arriving late
If your child/ren will be arriving after 9 a.m. please let Mrs. Rixon or the teacher know if they would like to order a school lunch. Lunch orders are submitted to Food Services by 9 a.m. and closed at 9:15 a.m. so that lunches can be packed and delivered to the elementary schools. Although they do send us extra lunches, there are sometimes not enough to account for students ordering lunch later in the morning. The best way to facilitate this is to use the PickUp Patrol app to let us know about late arrivals, where you will be asked about lunch orders.

Reminder: Placement information
Across the district, we are beginning the placement process for the 2024-2025 school year. This applies to students currently in grades K-4. For families being redistricted or those who apply for the Elementary Transfer Option, any input around placement is to be submitted to their child(ren)’s current school. Sending schools will be sharing information to receiving schools. For incoming K families, we will share more information about placement at Kindergarten Orientation in early May, and provide an opportunity for families to share input for consideration, at this time.

As always, when doing class placement, a great deal of time and consideration is given to achieving our goal, which is to make the best possible placement for every child at Hardy as we work to create balanced and heterogeneous classes. 

Your child’s teacher will work with the other member(s) of their grade level team, including special educators, specialists, and me to create effective instructional groups. The following factors will be considered: class size, gender, social relationships that work well in the classroom environment, and individual learning characteristics. 

If you feel you have a significant concern about an emotional, social, or academic issue that you think that we are not yet aware of, you are welcome to complete a Serious Concerns Form. As our goal is to form well-balanced classrooms, we cannot consider:

– Requests for specific teachers or teaching/personality styles
– Requests to be with specific friends

While this form is optional, if you wish to share any serious concerns, please complete the following form by this Friday, April 12th. Parent input submitted after this date will not be considered. 

See link for optional serious concerns form:

Serious Concerns Form

Dress like your favorite book, movie, or tv character
On Friday, we’ll be having our next Spirit Day that is planned by our 5th graders. Students are invited to come to school dressed like their favorite book, movie, or tv character. 

Have a great week & great upcoming April vacation!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith


Hello Hardy
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