Dear Hunnewell,

Today was an exciting day at Sprague. The morning began with a virtual visit from Dr. Merritt Moore, who combined her love of ballet and science. She actually dances with a robot and has performed all over the world. Dr. Moore shared that she began dancing at the age of 12 and was told that she started dance much too late to be a professional ballerina. She had 25 failed auditions while attending Harvard, until one ballet company finally said, YES! Her story is truly insprational and a reminder that following our passions alongside hard work lead to amazing outcomes. Hopefully, you are watching her virtual performance right now.

Later in the morning we were entertained by the Hunnewell Sprague students in the beginning band, the band, the orchestra, and the fifth grade chorus! It was truly inspirational to see so many musicians between the two schools. We are so lucky to have such a robust Performing Arts Department in Wellesley. Thank you to Ms. Dexter, Mr. Adams, and Mr. McCleod for all of their great work with this talented group of musicians.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us! It was great to see you and I can’t wait for our students to perform on our brand new stage this spring!



In the Halls of Sprague/Hunnewell Today
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