Dear Sprague Community,
While no one can have any answers after yesterday’s tragic events in San Bernadino, I do want to write a bit so you know how much the adults at Sprague think about what we would do in such a situation. Events like yesterday’s are impossible to predict, yet we know we need to be ready. The Wellesley Police Dept. has worked closely with district administration and provided staff at each school with crisis training. This year, we have scheduled a second session with WPD at Sprague in late April. Police across the country have studied tragic events and are able to make updated recommendations about actions to take in emergency situations. Our approach in Wellesley is to train the adults to make the best decisions in a crisis. Please know that ALL Sprague staff members are here to love your children and do their very best to keep them safe each day.
Please read this announcement about the STEM Expo that was held on April 8th:
The Wellesley Education Foundation, Wellesley Green Schools, and the Wellesley Municipal Light Plant are proud to announce the finalists and winners of the 2017 Sustainability Challenge, including students from our school.
“Since the Town of Wellesley is working to increase its national ranking for voluntary renewable energy through the Power To Choose Program