Dear Sprague Community,

It’s National Teacher Appreciation Week! Please consider taking the time to thank a teacher by writing a note or sending a card to let your child’s teacher know the difference he or she makes in your child’s life. You will make his or her day!

Food Drive: May 15-19, 2017

Our Fifth Graders are coordinating a Food Drive for the Wellesley Food Pantry next week. We have assigned each grade some items. Please consider donating the following items that they have identified as needing:

K: Ketchup, Mayo and vegetable oil
Grade 1: Pasta Sauce (not in glass jars)
Grade 2: Coffee, jams & jellies
Grade 3: Canned Salmon and Canned sardines
Grade 4: Canned Meats
Grade 5: Rice


After school ends at 3:05, the front door remains locked. We must ask that students remain outside once dismissed. This is in the interest of safety and knowing who is in the building at any given time. Students should not return to the school to use the bathroom or to get something they forgot unless they are accompanied by an adult. This may seem like a change, but we will need your support on this. We want our school to remain the warm, welcoming place it has always been while also ensuring security and safety for all. (We are making the after school request because there have been unsupervised students in the building after school and our custodians have had to clean up unnecessary messes during those hours. Some student athletes and visitors using the Sprague athletic fields request entry after school and we are not able to accommodate them due to these same concerns.)

Dates to remember:

May 8-12: Teacher Appreciation Week

May 11: PTO meeting at 8:45

May 12: Walk to School Day

May 15-19: Food Drive

May 22: School Council at 3:15 PM

May 29: No school—Memorial Day

June 2: Grade 5 Chorus, Band, Orchestra Concert—parents invited

June 8: Tentative date for Family Picnic

June 15: Field Day—raindate is June 16

June 19: Grade 5 Farewell Assembly at 9 am

June 20: Last day of school-12:00 dismissal

Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 10, 2017