Dear Sprague Community—October 3, 2017
The news of the tragedy in Las Vegas affects us in different ways. Some have direct connections to the area, and others are just heartsick at the thought of the events. I would like to share a short piece by local psychologist Rob Evans, who seems to always know how to give good advice about how adults can manage their own emotions and support children’s feelings, questions, or lack of understanding about such news.
Peer Mentoring
The Peer Mentoring program pairs selected Wellesley High School students with interested Sprague students in grades 3-5. Once a week, high school mentors come to Sprague to help students with homework and other needs. This is a great opportunity for your child to receive additional help with homework after school on a regular basis! It also allows children to build a positive and supportive relationship with a local high school student.
For Whom: Sprague students in grades 3-5
Where and When: At Sprague every Monday from 3:05pm to 4:00pm. This program will run from October 23rd-November 20th. These are the scheduled dates for the program: Mondays: Oct. 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13, 20.
Note: The program will take place in Ms. Blumenthal’s room (Room 113). Ms. Blumenthal and Ms. Viscomi will be supervising each Monday. Your child may bring a snack if they would like.
If you are interested in having your child participate, please email Ms. Blumenthal (
Pick up will occur at 4:00 p.m. sharp in car line.
October is Fire Safety Month
October is Fire Safety Month. It is a good time to talk to your children about safe play, how to evacuate from your house in the event of a fire, what to do if their clothing catches on fire, and where to meet if you have to leave the home due to fire. There are often Open House events at local Fire Stations. Check the local newspaper for listings.
News from Sprague Library
As part of establishing expectations for the use of the iPads and computers in school, we discussed WPS Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) with 3rd and 4th graders.
We also are using the KIBO robots! This week and next we will be using the robots in library (2nd, 3rd and 4th grades) to refresh student memories on how to work with them. After that, the KIBO robots will be a choice for students to do after they check out their books.
This Wednesday we are kicking off the new and improved 5th grade Ecosystem research project in library. We have tweaked the project from last year and hopefully refined it to make it a more focused and valuable learning experience. Students will be doing individual research on a topic of their choice, but also working within a group to present how their topic is important within the ecosystem as a whole. This project is closely tied to work students are doing in science in the classroom.
Ms Jauniskis has been working hard on reading her height and a good number of 4th and 5th graders have joined in. As of 10/1 she is about half way there. There is a running tab on Ms. J’s progress on a library bulletin board.
All students must leave school property at dismissal time tomorrow (Wed. Oct. 4th). The staff security training will take place and we need to clear the school and school yard for our staff drill. After school programs, such as WCCC, will be relocated until 2:30 PM. Thank you for your help.
Dates to remember:
Oct. 4: After school training for staff—all students must be off school property by 12:30 PM.
Oct. 9: No school—Columbus Day
Oct. 10: Fall Festival 5-7 PM
Oct. 12: PTO Meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Oct. 17: Walk to School Day