Dear Sprague Community, It is the holiday season and although many of us celebrate different holidays, there is a certain spirit of lightness in the air. Tonight marks the beginning of Hanukkah. In my family, we celebrate Christmas. We have… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–December 16, 2014
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–December 9, 2014
Dear Sprague Community, This is a busy week with the special town election and the famous Sprague Cookie Walk! I will be baking some of my daughter’s favorite chocolate chip cookies with the secret family recipe. As a clue, there… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–December 9, 2014
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–December 2, 2014
Dear Sprague Community, I hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend with friends and family. The PTO has very generously given all you bakers this week off, but hope that you will bake many delicious cookies for the Cookie… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–December 2, 2014
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 25, 2014
Dear Sprague Community—November 25, 2014 This is the week to count our blessings. I am very thankful to have found the Sprague community and grateful that you have welcomed me into it. This will be a short week with a… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 25, 2014
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 18, 2014
Dear Sprague Community, This week’s note is full of items from around the school and town! Give Back Day is Friday, November 21st at Sprague. Our Assembly Committee has planned activities in which students can ‘give back’ to our school… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 18, 2014
Patriot’s Spirit Day on Friday
Sprague students and teachers are invited to show their New England Patriot spirit on Friday, November 14th by wearing Patriot’s gear or clothes that are red, white, and blue. The Pats are on a winning streak and have a game… Continue reading Patriot’s Spirit Day on Friday
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 12, 2014
Dear Sprague Community, Wow…we have a lot of candy to send to the troops! Thank you to all who donated candy. I do know that it was a bigger sacrifice for your children. We also received many heartfelt cards and… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 12, 2014
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 4, 2014
Dear Sprague Community, We had another successful Walk to School Day. We had 293 walkers today! That is very impressive as the weather gets chillier each day! Thanks to the committee and Ms. Flitsch for organizing. Everyone loves the ‘footie’… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–November 4, 2014
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–October 28, 2014
Dear Sprague Community, Parent teacher conferences have already begun and will continue for the next two weeks. Teachers value their relationship with you and always learn more about your child through conferences. We hope you will learn about your child’s… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–October 28, 2014
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–October 21, 2014
Dear Sprague Community, Many thanks to parents who generously opened their homes for grade level socials these past two Friday evenings. Thanks to kindergarten parents Carrie and Will Reepmeyer—parents of Dylan (2), Kendall (K), and Quinn (K); first grade parents,… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–October 21, 2014