Good Morning,
Today is Monday, February 10, 2020
Today is a Day 5
Attention 8th graders: Counselors will be teaching Course Selection for High School Monday during English classes. Please check the signs posted outside English class for your room assignments.
Students Talking About Race Skillfully (or STARS) hopes you will join our meeting after school in room 210. We will discuss how we can be supportive of community members of all backgrounds at WMS and beyond.
We need your voice, your interests, and your thoughtfulness. Please join us at 2:30 today in Room 210.
Attention Semester 1 and Semester 2 8th grade chorus members: your step up rehearsal will be in the High School Auditorium from 3:00-5:00pm today.
To celebrate Black History Month, we will have a trivia question each day this week.
Today’s question is: Who was the first African American to serve as a U.S. Senator?
A. Edward Brooke
B. Blanche K. Bruce .
C. Carol Mosley Braun or
D. Hiram Revels
If you know who was the first African American U.S. Senator, please come down to the main office with your answer. Stay tuned tomorrow for the answer and a new question.