~Today is Thursday January 27, 2022 

~Day 1

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is designed as a day to remember the 6 million Jewish people who lost their lives as victims of the Nazis during the events in the 1940s known as the Holocaust. January 27th was chosen by the United Nations because it is the day that Allied troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1945, 77 years ago today. It is our hope that by remembering these events, we will prevent anything like this from happening to any  group of people in the future. 

Students: The deadline to see your counselor about the possibility of making a schedule change is Monday, January 31. 

Ms. Pero’s Period 1, on odd days will meet in Rm. 245 the rest of the year.

There will be an intramural Activity Fair on Tuesday February 1st at 2:30p.m. in gym B.  If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Johnson.

If you are missing anything please look at the Lost and Found. Warm coats, hats and water bottles are there to be claimed!!

Stay warm everyone and enjoy your day!


Daily Announcements
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