~Today is Thursday February 3, 2022 

~Day 6

If you were unable to make the intramural fair. You can still sign up.  Just bring your i-pad to the intramural board located outside the cafeteria and scan the QR code and fill out the form.  Please remember you must be logged into your Wellesley account to sign up. Everyone who signs up will receive an email confirming their choice. We are adding two activities on Thursdays, indoor soccer and wiffle ball. These two activities will meet alternate weeks. If you have any questions please see Mr. Johnson.

Miss. Speed’s period 4 drama class, please report to room 400.

Miss Connor’s period 2 and chorus 4 classes please report to the Auditorium.

Here is the first Trivia question celebrating Black History month.

Who was the first African American to serve as a U.S. Senator?

Was it …..

  1.     Edward Brooke

  2.     Blanche K. Bruce.

  3.     Carol Mosley Braun

  4.     Hiram Revels

There is a box in the Main office for you to submit your answer. We will announce the winner with the correct answer tomorrow during morning announcements.  A small prize will be rewarded for the correct answer.

Have a Great Day Everyone!


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