~Today is Monday March 7, 2022 

~Day 5

The first meeting of the spring session of dungeons and dragons is today after school in the faculty dining room. The FDR is located next to the cafeteria and across from the tech deck.

I’d like to remind everyone that today, our mask mandate status becomes “mask flexible.”  This is a transition for us all, as we now make our own decisions from a personal perspective. Please remember that you can make different decisions throughout the day based on the situation you are in, so I would recommend that everyone continue to carry a mask with you. If you are having difficulties in deciding, you should talk to a trusted adult. Just know that today, the choice is yours.

Because this decision is personal, no member of our community should put pressure or feel pressure in their choices. As a community of care, we will support each other in what decisions are made. We don’t know what is in everyone’s “backpack,” and it is not our place to judge. Today, I ask that you not ask questions about masks, as we let everyone settle into this new transition. Please show respect by not making others feel self-conscious about their choices.

Also, lunch routines will change this week, with a full return to the cafeteria. 8th grade will return first on Tuesday, 7th grade on Thursday and 6th grade a week from Monday. All grades will receive a cafeteria tutorial prior to returning from our APs, that clearly set expectations. To start, all eight graders will have their Advisory time in the cafeteria on Tuesday. We will announce 7th and 6th grade schedules closer to the day, but teachers have been given those schedules if you want to know in advance. On returning to the cafeteria, we know that some of you might be really excited and some of you might be a bit nervous, but all the adults are here to make the process run smoothly. With so many of us affected by this change, I will need you to listen and follow instructions as directed.  If you are feeling nervous and need to speak to an adult, please see your counselors who can help you. If they are unavailable for some reason, please see an Assistant Principal or talk to a trusted adult.

Have Great Day Everyone!


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