~Today is Wednesday  March 23, 2022 

~Day 5

We will continue to break into small groups for lunch as we monitor the number of positive cases reported in the school.

We remain Mask Flexible on your decision to wear a mask.

7th graders: Counselors will be going into Social Studies classrooms to educate you on 8th grade course selection. See signs posted outside of your Social Studies classroom which will instruct you which room to attend for the lesson. 

Auditions for one acts will take place in room 363 today after school. Please come to the hallway outside the drama room when your time slot comes. You will be called in then. If you still want to sign up, there are slots available for tomorrow! Check the bulletin board outside the drama room for more info. Any questions please see Ms. Speed.

Our lost and found is filling up. Please take a look if you are missing that favorite coat or hat.

Have a Great Day Everyone!!

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