~Today is Thursday April 7, 2022 

~Day 4

~Those Students who will be making up MCAS please go directly to the Cafeteria. The Cafeteria will be closed for testing this morning and Study Hall has been moved to Rm. 221.  Any student wishing to access the water station please go to the one outside gym B.  

~Students fasting for Ramadan please go to the following classrooms for lunch…

Ms. Holcomb Rm 221 for grades 6 and 7

Mr. Harvey Rm 216 for grade 8

~Track practices will be starting next Monday 4/11 from 3:00-4:00 at the High School Track!  PLEASE double-check that you have registered AND have an updated physical on file with the nurses or you will not be able to practice.  Check google classroom for practice updates! 

~Attention 8th graders: On Tuesday April 12th, we will be taking the 8th grade group photo outdoors.  Please dress accordingly.  8th grade advisory teachers, you will find order forms in your mailbox.  

~This year’s Day of Silence has been scheduled for Friday, April 8th. WMS’ Gay- Straight Alliance sponsors the Day of Silence, a day to recognize the silencing of the LGBTQ community in our society. Students who choose to participate remain silent all day to show their support. Participation forms are available in the Main Office and outside the cafeteria at lunch.

Have a good day Everyone!!

Daily Announcements
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