~Today is Thursday April 14, 2022 

~Day 3

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating over the break?  Friday night begins the Jewish holiday of Passover. 

In addition, Friday is the Christian holiday of Good Friday and Sunday is the Christian holiday of Easter.  

Sunday April 24th is also Eastern Orthodox Easter. 

Passover commemorates the Jewish peoples’ liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is a joyous holiday celebrated for a week. During this time, Jews gather to tell the story of the leaving of Egypt, and share a meal, called a Seder. Thinking about and committing to help people who are currently living with injustice is a part of many Jewish Passover celebrations.  

Good Friday commemorates the death of Jesus, and Easter commemorates the day that Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Good Friday, one of the holiest days for Christians, is a sorrowful holiday, which is spent in reflection.  

Easter is a day of joy and celebration. Some children receive Easter baskets full of candy, eggs and presents. Christians often go to church on Easter. Easter Day is the end of Lent and means the end of some people’s fasting. Families often gather to share a big meal and spend time together.  

For Eastern Orthodox Christians, Easter is on the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the Vernal Equinox. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus after having died by crucifixion. It is the most important holiday in Eastern Orthodoxy as it notes the moment Jesus’ divinity was confirmed as he rose from the dead.  

There are students at WMS who will be observing these holidays over break.  We wish all people at WMS observing these holidays, a “Happy Passover”, “thoughtful Good Friday,” and a “happy Easter”.

~Grade 8 students who would like to be a tour guide for Grade 5 Visits in May please come to the Main Office to fill out the form to be entered into a drawing. Names will be picked the week we return from break.

~Students fasting for Ramadan and would like a separate space, you have the option to go to the following rooms for your lunch period: 6th and 7th grade your location has changed, please go to the library. Grade 8 your location remains the same. Rm 216.

~Today is the last day to participate in Track.  You must register online and have an updated physical on file with the nurses. 

Due to department meetings all students need to leave the building today after the last bell. All after school activities will be canceled.  All teachers will be unavailable to meet with students. 

All those students in The One acts and those in Darcy’s Cinematic Life, Please report to Ms Speed immediately after school.

Have a good day Everyone!


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