~Today is Wednesday April 27, 2022 

~Day 6

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be commemorating today? Today is Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Many people in the United States observe Holocaust Remembrance Day. According to the U.S. Holocaust Museum, it is a day “to honor the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazism and to develop educational programs to help prevent future genocides.”

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we honor the 6 million Jewish victims of the Nazis as well as the millions of other victims and we also remember that the choices people make matter in helping or hurting others.

The Video Announcement Club will not meet today.

Track practice is canceled for today.

Pod Casting Club… please check the google classroom during 7th period for an update on today’s meeting. 

Congratulations to Abby Beggans, Sam Fischer, Jason Jiang, and Emma Tuxbury. These 8th graders represented WMS in the Boston Athletic Association’s Middle School 1K. A special congratulations to Abby, who placed first in a photo-finish! 

The National Latin Exam was administered in March to 23 Latin students in grades 7 and 8.  18 of the 23 participants scored above the national average, receiving certificates and medals.  BENE FACTUM (“beh-neh fahk-tum”) to all who participated, and a special congratulations to top performers and medal recipients Quinn Ohaegbulam, Grace Zhao, Shirley Yang, Declan Kashou, Francesca Grossetti, and Sara Yang in grade 7, and Adrian Deng in grade 8.  Grace and Quinn deserve special mention for PERFECT SCORES!  Well done, all.

Tomorrow, Thursday April 28 is the last day to order a yearbook.

Get ready for the Mini Marathon Tomorrow April 28th! Rain date is April 29th.  If you have an inhaler in the nurse’s office and would like to use it before the mini marathon or have it brought out to the field, please check in with the nurses today.  Also to all students participating – remember to get a good night’s sleep, have a healthy breakfast and hydrate before the race!”

Have a great day Everyone!



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