~Today is Tuesday May 17, 2022

~Day 2

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community commemorated on Sunday May 15th? It was Vishaka Puja day which is a holiday celebrated by Buddhists and some Hindus around the world. 

Vishaka Puja day, also known as Buddha day or Vesak, is the holiest day for Buddhists and is celebrated by Buddhist communities all over the world. It marks the three important incidents in the life of Buddha – birthday, enlightenment and death. Some Buddhists also listen to Dhamma preaching, and  go to temples for special observations. It is also a time to reflect on the  teachings of Buddha and what it means to be Buddhist.

To those students and families who celebrate Vishaka Puja, we wish you peace. 

Today’s behavioral expectation topic: Earbuds and phones need to be in backpacks and lockers only.  This is an important school policy, and is written about in the student handbook.  The reason is we want you to focus your attention on your schoolwork, and that is done best when we can eliminate distractions such as your phone. We also want you to hear any directions or announcements for safety reasons.  Earbuds can prevent this from happening.  Put them away and finish strong!

Period 2 study hall will meet in room 221 today.

Ms. Fine’s 7th period drama class – please remember to leave 6th period at 1:30 and meet her outside the drama room to walk to the high school. 

Attention 8th Graders: Auditions for performing at this year’s Completion Assembly will be held after school on Thursday May 26th. Come prepared with a song that communicates the overall theme of completing your final year at WMS. Soloists and groups are welcome! Two will be chosen to perform at the ceremony. Sign ups are outside room 333. Contact Miss Wheeler if you have any questions. 

You have until Wednesday May 18th to submit your original design for the grade 8 banner.

Lunch will be outside today House, Cluster, Team S and WMS

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Daily Announcements
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