~Today is Thursday September 8, 2022 

~Day 6

The Boys Soccer meeting for 7th and 8th graders interested in playing soccer this fall will meet Mr. Faherty today at 2:45 in Room 225.

8th graders interested in playing Volleyball this year, plan to meet in the cafeteria today at 2:30. 

The cross country practices will be held on M,T,Th and F from 3-4 pm at Sprague Field.  Students will walk over after school and meet near the tennis courts. We will have some meets, but none scheduled at this time.  Also, it is not mandatory to participate in every practice or meet.  

The first practice will be September 13th.  Students must have a physical completed within the past year sent in to the WMS Nursing office before being allowed to participate. Students will need running shoes, athletic attire, and should also have a water bottle for practice.  Registration will remain open after September 13th.  Feel free to contact Mark Bugden at bugdenm@wellesleyps.org if you have any additional questions.  

Have a Great day Everyone!


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