~Today is Monday October 3rd, 2022 

~Day 4

8th Graders: Counselors will be teaching a lesson on Leadership during your Science classes on Tuesday, Oct. 4th.

Signs will be posted outside Science classrooms which detail the room you should attend for the lesson.  

Join us tomorrow, after school, in the cafeteria 2:45-3:20 for the annual WMS Activities Fair.  Learn about what clubs are being offered this year. The fair will end in time for students to take the late bus home.  You can find more information about the Clubs on the WMS website under Quick links/After School Club and Activities.

Have a great day!

Please note that the daily announcements are sometimes subject to change during the school day. When this happens the announcements will be updated on the website and on the video screen in the WMS lobby, but a new email will not be sent.

Daily Announcements
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