~Today is Wednesday October 12th, 2022 

~Day 3

Today is a half day for students.  The bell will ring at 11:21 for dismissal.  Due to Department Meetings all students must leave the building at the bell. The schedule will include a 30 minute extended Advisory period at 9:33 for Safety Training.  After period 4, go straight to your Advisory classroom.  For staff, please make sure the video is cued up and ready to go before the training session.  Slides and FAQ’s are also available, if you choose to use them.

For Boston students there will be two buses today, one at 11:30 and one at 1:30 pm, for those students who have permission to go into town. It is important that students are back on time to catch the bus.  If you return prior to 1:30, please check in with the Main Office.

The QR sign up for clubs will end Today at 4:00 p.m.  If you would still like to join a club, please reach out to that teacher either personally or through email.  For a list of clubs, check the WMS website, or stop by the Main Office 

Math team:  Permission slips for all Thursday meets are posted on our math team google classroom!  Please have your parents print and sign each one and return it to Mr. Bogage.  If you do not have a permission slip for this Thursday’s meet, you will not be allowed to participate.  If you need a printed copy, see Mr. Bogage.   

In addition, this week is the Jewish holiday of Sukkot which is the week-long Harvest Festival that celebrates the gathering of the harvest. It also commemorates the Jews’ wandering in the desert after leaving slavery, as well as the protection provided for the children of Israel when they left Egypt. People celebrate Sukkot by eating and sleeping outdoors in a foliage-covered booth. 

There are students and their families at WMS who are observing this holiday. We wish all people at WMS observing this holiday, Happy Sukkot. 


Have a great day!

Daily Announcements
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