~Today is Monday October 31st, 2022 

~Day 4

Any Grade 6 student who takes 7th grade Math during period 2 , should go to the study hall in the cafeteria during Math class today. 

7th graders: Counselors will be doing a lesson on  Friendship in your math classes today. Please see signs posted outside of your Math classroom which will instruct you on where to go.

The club STARS will be meeting in a new room today . Please go to room 318 after school today. 

Wednesday is an early release day.  Teachers will be in meetings so there will be no clubs or after school help.  Students must plan to leave the building after the bell.  Boston students who have permission to go into town must be back at school to catch the 1:30 bus.  There will be no 3:30 bus to Boston on Wednesday.

If you are going out tonight, please have fun and be safe.  Amongst the excitement, remember to be aware of your surroundings which include small children, other people and traffic.  And, show gratitude by saying “thank you to those who are giving to you.

Have a great day!

Daily Announcements
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